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יוג'ניה פרוקופ

Eugenia Prokop-Janiec is a professor in the Department of Literary Anthropology and Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. She specializes in the history of modern literature and literary criticism, literary ethnology, Polish Jewish literature, and Polish-Jewish cultural and literary contacts in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She is the author of Polish-Jewish Literature in the Interwar Years (2003), the English version of "Międzywojenna literatura polsko-żydowska jako zjawisko kulturowe i artystyczne" (1992), and of "Pogranicze polsko-żydowskie: Topografie i teksty" (2013). She is the editor of the anthology "Międzywojenna poezja polsko-żydowska" (1996), the co-editor of "Teatr żydowski w Krakowie: Studia i materiały" (1995), and a contributor to scholarly journals and collective volumes in Poland, the United Kingdom, Germany, Romania, the United States, and Israel.
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