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אבי אלקיים

Professor Avi Elqayam is the Head of Department of Jewish Thought, and Head of the Shlomo Moussaief Center for the Study of Kabbalah, in the Faculty of Jewish Studies at Bar-Ilan University. He is a co-editor of Da’at - Journal for Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah, and was a co-founder-editor of Kabbalah - Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts. His book The Journey to the End of Time: The Gospel of Sabbatean Deliverance According to the Poet R. Moshe ben Gideon Abudiente, was awarded the Shmuel Toledano Prize for the Study of Jewish Communities in Spain, by the Hebrew University. He translates medieval mystical Arabic poetry as well as contemporary Arabic poetry, and is a member-founder of Derekh Avraham, the Path of Abraham, a movement for spiritual dialogue between Jews and Moslems. 
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