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עדה רפופורט-אלברט

Ada Rapoport-Albert is Professor of Jewish Studies and Head of the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at UCL (University College London). Born in Israel, she studied at UCL, and has also taught at the Oriental Institute in Oxford and as a visiting professor at Harvard Divinity School, Stanford University, Columbia University, and the University of Munich. She is the author of various studies on the history of hasidism, and the editor of Hasidism Reappraised (Littman Library, 1996), Essays in Jewish Historiography (1988), Jewish History: Essays in Honour of Chimen Abramsky (with Steven J. Zipperstein, 1988), and Let the Old Make Way for the New: Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Eastern European Jewry Presented to Immanuel Etkes (with David Assaf, 2009). Her forthcoming books, to be published by the Littman Library, include Female Bodies, Male Souls: Asceticism and Gender in the Jewish Tradition, Emergent Hasidism: Spontaneity and Institutionalization, and Messianic Hasidism: From Nineteenth-Century Bratslav to Twentieth-Century Habad.
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