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שולמית אליצור

Born 1955, Jerusalem; Ph.D. 1981, Hebrew Univ.; Lect. 1983; Sen. Lect. 1986; Assoc. Prof. 1991; Full Prof. 2000.

A member, Academy of the Hebrew Language. Director, Ezra Fleischer Institute for Research of Hebrew Poetry in the Cairo Genizah. Head of Mekize-Nirdamim publishing.

Research Interests: Geniza fragments of liturgical poetry. Piyyutim from Eretz Israel and later medieval Hebrew poetry.

Abstracts of Current Research: Hebrew liturgical poetry of the 5th and 6th centuries: the development of the main genre in that period, called 'Qedushta'. The Poetry of the main poet in the 7th century: Rabbi El'azar berabbi Qillir. Jewish costumes of prayer and Tora-reading. The beginning of the Selihot.

Recent Publications: Elizur, S. (1993) Shiv`atot for the Weekly Torah Readings. Jerusalem, World Union of Jewish Studies, The Rabbi David Moses and Amalia Rosen Foundation, 320 pp. (Hebrew); Elizur, S. (1994) Poet at a Turning Point - Rabbi Yehoshua bar Khalfa and his Poetry. Jerusalem, Ben-Zvi Institute, 336 pp. + 16 plates (Hebrew). Elizur, S. (2004) The Poetry (Piyyutim) of Rabbi Pinhas Ha-Kohen. Jerusalem, World Union of Jewish Studies, The Rabbi David Moses and Amalia Rosen Foundation, 914 pp. (Hebrew). Elizur, S. (2004) Hebrew Poetry in Spain. Vols.I-III. Ramat Aviv, The Open University. Elizur, S. (2007) Wherefore Have We Fasted? "Megilat Ta'anit Batra" and Similar Lists of Fasts. Jerusalem, World Union of Jewish Studies, the Rabbi David Moses and Amalia Rosen Foundation, 342 pp. (Hebrew). Elizur, S. and Rand, M (2014), Rabbi Eleazar be-rabbi Qilar Qedushtaot for the Day of Matan Torah, Jerusalem, World Union of Jewish Studies, The Rabbi David Moses and Amalia Rosen Foundation, 718 pp. Rabbi Eleazar be-rabbi Qilar Liturgical Poems, Jerusalem 1988, Hebrew university Magnes press, Statutory Jewish Prayers:Their Emergence and Development (editor), Jerusalem 2012, Hebrew university Magnes press

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