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>Shnaton - An Annual for Biblical & Ancient Near Eastern Studies
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Shnaton - An Annual for Biblical & Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Vol. 23
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The articles in this volume:

The Legislation of War: A Study of the Story of the Israelite War against Midian (Numbers 31) - Ariel Kopilovitz
‘You shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots’ (Joshua 11:6): The Identification of Horses and Chariots as the Weapons of Israel’s Enemies in Biblical Literature - Yakov Dolgopolsky-Geva
A Complete Root Glossary of Canaanite Words and Forms from the Amarna Tablets - Esther Haber
‘We must have a king over us, that we may be like all the other nations’ (I Sam 8:19): Israelite Kings in Art - Irit Ziffer
The Story of the Sons of God and the Daughters of Men (Gen. 6:1–4) in Light of the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women
Akkadian Itineraries: From the Kingdom of Akkad to the Assyrian Empire - Amitai Baruchi-Unna
The Akkadian Wisdom Composition ‘Hear the Advice’: Traditional Wisdom versus Rebellious Skepticism - Yoram Cohen
The Leqah Tov Commentary on Song of Songs: Its Place in the History of Biblical Exegesis and its Relationship with the Commentary of Rashi - Jonathan Jacobs
Nachmanides’ Exegesis of Midrash in his Commentary on the Torah - Miriam Sklarz
Additions and Changes in Nachmanides’ Commentaries relating to the Geography of Israel - David Shneor

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