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>Kobez Al Yad
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Catalog number :
950 gr.

Kobez Al Yad

Vol. XXI
Edited by:

Kobez al Yad, an annual of the Mekize Nirdamim Society, is a forum for the publication from manuscript sources of ancient texts in Jewish studies that are shorter than book-length


From the Responsa of Rabbenu Migash from the Cairo Genizah
published by Amir Ashur

A Series of Paronomasia Poems by R. Berechiah ha-Nakdan
published by Aviyah Una Baruchi

"Ha-She'eilah ve-ha-Teshuvah" by R. Judah ibn Rokesh
published by Doron Forte

Philosophical Writings of R. Shemariah Ikriti:
Sefer Amazyahu, Sefer ha-Mora, and Ra'ayah al Hisharut ha-Nefesh (A Proof for the Immortality of the Soul)
published by Dov Schwartz

Peri ha-Gan by R. Shalom ben R. Joseph Anabi
published by Ofer Elior

R. Isaac Aboab's Commentary to the Hermeneutic Principle of Kal va-Homer
published by Aviram Ravitsky

Quntres Pereq be-Shir by Joshua Benveniste:
Hebrew Poetics in the Transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque
published by Joseph Yahalom and Naoya Katsumata