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>Samuel and the Foundation of Kingship in Ancient Israel
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Samuel and the Foundation of Kingship in Ancient Israel


The changes that occurred in the Middle East during the Iron Age (1200–1100 BCE) had a significant effect on society in the Land of Israel, in the period of the biblical judges. At this time, the empires ruling Syria and Canaan during the late Bronze Period (1500-1300 BCE) collapsed, allowing for new nations and tribes to infiltrate the region. Some engaged in battles over territory with the Israelites, who settled on Canaan’s central mountain and in its surrounding deserts. The Israelites sought a stable regime. While many argued that this could be achieved by crowning a king, others objected to such a drastic change.

This study sheds light on these changes by depicting the different forces which operated in the Land of Israel and eventually paved the way to kingship, based on the story told in 1 Samuel chapters 1-12 and on a comparison with Ancient Near Eastern and Ancient Greek literature.