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>Shnaton - An Annual for Biblical & Ancient Near Eastern Studies
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850 gr.

Shnaton - An Annual for Biblical & Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Vol. XXV
Edited by:


Nili Wazana – Preface

In Memoriam
Gershon Galil Prof. Zecharia Kallai 24.6.1923-17.1.2016 )
Amihai Mazar Prof Trude Dothan 12.10.1922-28.1.2016 )

Biblical Studies
David Frankel - The Final Form of the Story of the Rape of Dinah in Light of Textual and Redaction Criticism

Noam Mizrahi - From Wisdom to Hymn: The Literary, Textual and Linguistic Development of Jer 10:12-13

Miriam Sklarz - The Poet Before God, Against his Enemies and Facing his Congregation

Naphtali S. Meshel - Dramatic Irony and double entendre in the Book of Job

Amitai Baruchi - Unna Plural Forms Referring to ‘Elohim’ and the Israelite Cultic Proclamation Recurring in the Cult of the Calf

The Bible in Relation to the Ancient Near East
Shira J. Golani - ‘That (No) Plague May Come Upon Them for Being Registered’ (Exod 30:12): Census and Plague in the Bible in Light of the Ancient Near East
Mordechai Cogan - Restoring the Empire: Sargon II’s Campaign to the West in 720/19 BCE

History of Exegesis
David Kopeliovich - Hated by his Brothers: The Typological Function of Jeremiah the Prophet in Josephus’ Jewish War

Jonathan Jacobs - Use of the ʻNarrative Parableʼ by Northern-France Disciples (11th-12th Centuries)

Isaac Gottlieb and Stewart Vanning - Rupert of Deutz (c.1075-1129) and Jewish Commentaries on the Joseph Story

Itamar Kislev - The Contribution of Minhat Yehuda for Improving the Text of Rashbam’s Torah Commentary

Yohanan Kapah - Joseph Hayyun’s Maggid Mishne