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ז'ואל הנסל

Dr Joëlle Hansel PHD in Philosophy and Sciences of Religions (Ecole Normale Supérieure and Université Paris-Sorbonne). Areas of competence : philosophy and Jewish thought from Moses Hayyim Luzzatto to Levinas. Books recently published : M. H. Luzzatto. Kabbale et philosophie (Paris, Cerf, 2004) ; Emmanuel Levinas. De l’Etre à l’Autre, Paris, PUF, 2006. Numerous articles on Luzzatto, Levinas, Jankélévitch, Bergson and the revival of Jewish Thought in France after the Shoah. Coordinator of three international Conferences on Levinas held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2002, 2003 and 2006. Director of the Raissa and Emmanuel Levinas Center, Jerusalem.
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