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יצחק גל-נור

Chair, The Israeli Political Science Association; Senior Fellow, The Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, Israel

Itzhak Galnoor is Herbert Samuel Professor of Political Science (emeritus) at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He served on the Executive Committee of the International Political Science Association, and edited "Advances in Political Science," Cambridge University Press and IPSA book series. From 1994–96 he was the Head of the Civil Service Commission. Professor Galnoor has served on Israel Science Foundation's Executive Committee and on the Governing Board of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2007-2008 he served as the Deputy Chair of the Israeli Council of Higher Education. He is currently the head of a major multidisciplinary research project at the Van Leer Institute: "The Responsibility of the State and the Boundaries of Privatization."

He has written several books and many articles and his book, Steering the Polity (Sage, 1982) was prefaced by Karl Deutsch and is regarded as a milestone on the subject. Following his experience as Head of the Civil Service Commission, he published: No, Mr. Commissioner - Behind the Scenes of Israeli Politics and Administration (Hebrew, 2003); Public Management in Israel (Routledge, 2011); and with Jennifer Oser and Alma Gadot-perez, The Political Environment of Policy Making in Israel (Magnes, 2012). His new book with Dana Blander The Political System of Israel was published in Hebrew in 2013 and will be published in English by Cambridge University Press in 2015.

Research Interests: Comparative politics; privatization; The Israeli Political System; Humor and Politics.

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